The Supreme Court

Full Court Rule

Order 82 - Deeds of Arrangement

1. The affidavits to be filed pursuant to the Deeds of Arrangement Act 1887, section 6, shall be respectively in the Forms Nos 1 and 2 in Appendix S.

2. The abstract of the contents of any deed of arrangement shall be entered on the Register under the said Act of 1887 in the Form No 3 in Appendix S.

3. Upon every copy of a deed of arrangement which is presented for filing there shall be indorsed by the person who presents it the name of the debtor, the date of the deed and of the filing thereof, the total amount of duty with which the deed is stamped, and a certificate signed by the solicitor of the debtor or the person who presents the copy for filing certifying that the copy is a correct copy of the deed, and stating the number of folios (of seventy-two words each), which the deed contains.

4. When a deed of arrangement is registered there shall be written on the original deed a certificate that the deed has been duly registered, and the date of registration.

5. Extracts from the filed copy of a deed of arrangement shall be limited to the date of execution and registration, the names, addresses, and descriptions of the debtor and the parties to the deed and a short statement of the nature and effect of the deed.

6.[1] (1) The register of arrangements, provided for by section 108 of the Bankruptcy Act 1988, shall be kept in the Central Office by the register for deeds of arrangement.

(2) The register shall be kept by inserting in the book or file provided for that purpose the duplicate memorandum delivered to the Central Office in pursuance of section 90(c) of the Bankruptcy Act 1988, together with a note of the date of receipt and by inserting in the index thereto the name and address of the arranging debtor.

7.[2] The Court, upon being satisfied as to any omission from or error in the duplicate memorandum, may order the omission or error to be rectified.  The correction may be made on the duplicate or by a note annexed thereto, with a note of the order.

8.[3] Any person shall be entitled to have an office copy of or extract from any entry in the register upon paying for it at the same rate as for office copies.

9.[4] Any person shall be entitled, during office hours, to search the register upon payment of the same fee as is for the time being payable for searching the register of deeds of arrangement and to make a copy of or extracts from any registered memorandum.

[1]      Order 82 rules 6, 7 and 8 substituted by SI 79 of 1989, effective 24 April 1989.

[2]      Order 82 rules 6, 7 and 8 substituted by SI 79 of 1989, effective 24 April 1989.

[3]      Order 82 rules 6, 7 and 8 substituted by SI 79 of 1989, effective 24 April 1989.

[4]      Order 82 rule 9 inserted by SI 79 of 1989, effective 24 April 1989.