The Supreme Court

Full Court Rule

Order 20 - Statement of Claim

(S.I. 490 of 2021)

1. When the procedure is by summary summons or special summons, no statement of claim or other pleading shall be delivered except by order of the Court, which order may be made in any case in which the delivery of such statement of claim or other pleading appears to be requisite.

2. Where the procedure is by plenary summons, the plaintiff may, subject to the terms of any order of the Court made in the proceedings, including any order made in accordance with Order 122, rule 7, deliver a statement of claim with the plenary summons or notice in lieu thereof, or at any time within eight weeks from the service thereof.

3. Where the defendant enters an appearance to a plenary summons and, at the time of entering such appearance or within eight days thereafter, gives notice in writing to the plaintiff or his solicitor, that he requires a statement of claim to be delivered, the plaintiff, if he has not already done so, shall, subject to the terms of any order of the Court made in the proceedings, including any order made in accordance with Order 122, rule 7, deliver a statement of claim within eight weeks from the receipt of such notice.

4. Subject to the provisions of  Order 13, rule 19, as to filing a statement of claim when there is no appearance, no statement of claim need be delivered when the defendant fails to appear or fails to serve such notice as is mentioned in rule 3.  Where the plaintiff delivers a statement of claim without being required to do so, or the defendant unnecessarily requires such statement, the Court may make such order as to the costs occasioned thereby as shall be just, if it appears that the delivery of a statement of claim was improper or unnecessary.

5. Where the defendant in a probate action has appeared, the plaintiff shall not be bound to deliver a statement of claim until the expiration of eight days after the defendant has filed his affidavit as to scripts.

6. Whenever a statement of claim is delivered the plaintiff may therein alter, modify, or extend his claim without any amendment of the indorsement on the summons.

7. Every statement of claim shall state specifically the relief which the plaintiff claims, either simply or in the alternative, and it shall not be necessary to ask for general or other relief, which may always be given, as the Court may think just, to the same extent as if it had been asked for.  The same rule shall apply to any counterclaim made or relief claimed by the defendant in his defence.

8. Where the plaintiff seeks relief in respect of several distinct claims or causes of complaint founded upon separate and distinct grounds, they shall be stated, as far as may be, separately and distinctly.  The same rule shall apply where the defendant relies upon several distinct grounds of defence, set-off, or counterclaim, founded upon separate and distinct facts.

9. In every case in which the cause of action is a stated or settled account, the same shall be alleged with particulars, but in every case in which a statement of account is relied on by way of evidence or admission of any other cause of action which is pleaded the same shall not be alleged in the pleadings.

10. In probate actions where the plaintiff disputes the interest of the defendant, he shall allege in his statement of claim that he denies the defendant’s interest, and in such cases both parties may with and subject to the permission of the Court adduce proof on one and the same trial of their interests respectively, and, after delivery of the statement of claim, the interest of the party to whom it has been delivered shall not be disputed by the plaintiff unless by leave of the Court.

11. In interest causes the pleading of each party must show, on the face of it, that no other person exists having a prior interest to that of the claimant.

12. (1) Where a plaintiff intends or proposes to offer expert evidence on any matter at the trial, the statement of claim shall disclose that intention or proposal and state succinctly the field of expertise concerned and the matters on which expert evidence is intended or proposed to be offered.

(2) This rule shall not apply to personal injuries actions.

13.(1) The statement of claim of a plaintiff which is a body, organisation or association to which section 117(7) of the Data Protection Act 2018 applies shall

(i) include a statement to that effect, and

(ii) confirm that the plaintiff satisfies each relevant requirement of Article 80 of the Data Protection Regulation.

(2) The statement of claim of a plaintiff which is a body, organisation or association to which section 120(2) of the Data Protection Act 2018 applies shall confirm that each paragraph of section 120(2) of the Data Protection Act 2018 applies to that plaintiff.

(3) The Court may, of its own motion or on the application of another party to a data protection action to which section 117 or 120 of the Data Protection Act 2018 relates, direct the provision to it of such additional information as is necessary in order to confirm that the plaintiff is such a body, organisation or association by way of further particulars or an affidavit.