The Supreme Court

Full Court Rule

Order 63B - Competition Proceedings


I.  Preliminary 


1.[2] In this Order unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires:

Act” means the Competition Act 2002;

Authority” means the Competition Authority continued in being by section 29 of the Act;

Commission” means the European Commission;

commitment” means an obligation on the part of an undertaking arising by virtue of a proposal put forward by it being the subject of a statement in writing by the Authority such as is mentioned in section 20(3) of the Act;

Competition List” means the list in which competition proceedings, and any motions or other applications in competition proceedings, shall be heard in accordance with rule 4 of this Order;

competition proceedings” means:

(a)  proceedings in exercise of a right of action conferred by section 14(1) of the Act on a person aggrieved in consequence of any agreement, decision, concerted practice or an abuse which is prohibited under section 4 or 5 of the Act;

(b)  proceedings in exercise of a right of action conferred by section 14(2) of the Act on the Authority in respect of an agreement, decision or concerted practice or an abuse which is prohibited under section 4 or 5 or by Article 81 or 82 of the Treaty;

(c)  proceedings in exercise of a right of action conferred by section 15C(1) of the Act on a person aggrieved in consequence of any conduct which is prohibited under section 15B of the Act;

(d)  proceedings in exercise of a right of action conferred by section 15C(2) of the Act on the Authority in respect of conduct which is prohibited under section 15B of the Act;

(e)  an appeal against the making of a declaration by the Authority under section 4(3) of the Act;

(f) an appeal against any determination of the Authority under paragraph (b) or (c) of section 22(3) of the Act other than a determination made in relation to a media merger not having effect by virtue of section 23(9) or 25(2) of the Act;

(g)  proceedings for judicial review of a decision of the Authority;

(h)  proceedings for an injunction to enforce compliance with the terms of a commitment or determination, or of an order made by the Minister for Enterprise Trade and Employment under section 23(4) of the Act for the time being in force;

(i) proceedings seeking the application of Article 81 or 82 of the Treaty;

(j) proceedings for relief at common law in respect of a condition or covenant in any agreement alleged to be unreasonably in restraint of trade;

(k)  any other proceedings which concern the application of a provision of the Act of the Regulation or of Articles 81, 82, 86, 87 or 88 of the Treaty.

determination” means a determination of the Authority made under section 21 or 22 of the Act;

initial directions hearing” means a hearing in accordance with rule 4(3)(b) or 6 of this Order for the purpose of the giving of directions or making of orders as to the preparation of proceedings for trial and case management, and for the other purposes mentioned in rule 6;

Judge in charge of the Competition List” means the Judge of the High Court for the time being assigned by the President of the High Court to carry out the functions of Judge in charge of the Competition List conferred by this Order;

Judge” means any Judge of the High Court, including the Judge in charge of the Competition List, assigned for the time being by the President of the High Court to hear and determine proceedings, or any application in relation to proceedings, in the Competition List;

Registrar” means the registrar of the High Court, for the time being and with the approval of the President of the High Court, assigned by the officer for the time being having the management of the Central Office to carry out the functions of Registrar conferred by this Order;

Regulation” means Council Regulation (EC) No 1 of 2003;

Treaty” means the Treaty establishing the European Community.

Application of this Order

2.  Save where otherwise expressly provided by this Order, in the event that any conflict shall arise between the provision of any rule of this Order and any other provision of these Rules, the provision of the rule of this Order shall, in respect of competition proceedings, prevail.

Use of forms

3. (1)  The forms in Appendix Y to these Rules shall be used as provided for in this Order in proceedings entered in the Competition List, with such variations as the Judge in charge of the Competition List or the Registrar may permit or circumstances may require.  The directions contained in any form shall be observed in relation thereto.  Where such forms are applicable, any costs occasioned by failure to comply with the provisions of any rule relating to the content of a form or by failure to comply with any directions contained in a form shall be borne by or disallowed to the party using the same, unless the Judge shall otherwise direct.

(2) Proceedings in the Competition List shall be entitled:



The Competition List

4. (1) Competition proceedings, and any motions or other applications in competition proceedings, shall be heard in the Competition List by the Judge.

(2) A party to competition proceedings may, at any time prior to:

(a) the close of pleadings, in the case of plenary proceedings, or

(b) completion of the filing of affidavits, in the case of proceedings to be heard on affidavit without pleadings,

by motion on notice to the other party or parties to those proceedings, apply to the Judge in charge of the Competition List for the fixing of a date for the initial directions hearing.

(3)  On an application for the fixing of a date for the initial directions hearing, the Judge in charge of the Competition List shall:

(a)  fix a date for the initial directions hearing, or

(b)  treat the hearing of the application as the initial directions hearing.

(4)  Any judge may, where he is satisfied that proceedings, or an application in proceedings, should, by virtue of sub-rule 1 of this rule, be heard in the Competition List, and with the consent of the Judge in charge of the Competition List, transfer such proceedings or application to the Competition List.

II. Pre-trial procedure 


5.  A Judge may, at any time and from time to time, of his own motion and having heard the parties, give such directions and make such orders, including the fixing of time limits, for the conduct of proceedings entered in the Competition List, as appears convenient for the determination of the proceedings in a manner which is just, expeditious and likely to minimise the costs of those proceedings.

Initial directions

6. (1)  Without prejudice to the generality of rule 5 of this Order, a Judge may, at the initial directions hearing:

(a)  of his own motion and after hearing the parties, or

(b)  on the application of a party by motion on notice to the other party or parties returnable to the initial directions hearing,

give any of the following directions to facilitate the determination of the proceedings in the manner mentioned in that rule:

(i) as to whether the proceedings shall continue:

(I) with pleadings and hearing on oral evidence,

(II) without formal pleadings and by means of a statement of issues of law or fact, or of both law and fact,

(III) without formal pleadings and to be heard on affidavit with oral evidence, or

(IV) without formal pleadings and to be heard on affidavit without oral evidence;

(ii)  fixing any issues of fact or law to be determined in the proceedings;

(iii) for the consolidation of the proceedings with another cause or matter pending in the High Court;

(iv) for the defining of issues by the parties, or any of them, including the exchange between the parties of memoranda for the purpose of clarifying issues;

(v)  allowing any party to alter or amend his indorsement or pleadings, or allowing amendment of a statement of issues;

(vi) requiring delivery of interrogatories, or discovery or inspection of documents;

(vii) requiring the making of inquiries or taking of accounts;

(viii) requiring the filing of lists of documents, either generally or with respect to specific matters;

(ix) directing any expert witnesses to consult with each other for the purposes of:

(a)  identifying the issues in respect of which they intend to give evidence,

(b)  where possible, reaching agreement on the evidence that they intend to give in respect of those issues, and

(c)  considering any matter which the Judge may direct them to consider, and requiring that such witnesses record in a memorandum to be jointly submitted by them to the Registrar and delivered by them to the parties, particulars of the outcome of their consultations:

provided that any such outcome shall not be in any way binding on the parties;

(x) providing for the exchange of documents or information between the parties, or for the transmission by the parties to the Registrar of documents or information electronically, on such terms and subject to such conditions and exceptions as a Judge may direct;

(xi) for the examination upon oath before a Judge, Registrar or other officer of the Court, or any other person, and at any place, of any witness, in accordance with Part II of Order 39;

(xii) as to whether or not the proceedings should, by virtue of their complexity, the number of issues or parties, the volume of evidence, or for other special reason, be subject to case management in accordance with rules 13 and 14 of this Order;

(xiii) that the proceedings or any issue therein be adjourned for such time, not exceeding twenty-eight days, as he considers appropriate to allow the parties time to consider whether such proceedings or issue ought to be referred to a process of mediation, conciliation or arbitration, and where the parties decide so to refer the proceedings or issue, to extend the time for compliance by any party with any provision of these Rules or any order of the Court.

(2)  Without prejudice to any enactment or rule of law by virtue of which documents or evidence are privileged from disclosure, to assist him in deciding whether or not to make any order or give any direction in accordance with sub-rule 1 of this rule, a Judge may direct the parties, or any of them, to provide information in respect of the proceedings, including:

(a)  a list of the persons expected to give evidence;

(b)  particulars of any matter of an economic or technical nature which may be at issue or may be the subject of evidence;

(c)  a reasoned estimate of the time likely to be spent in:

(i) preparation of the proceedings for trial, and

(ii)  the trial of the proceedings;

(d)  particulars of any mediation, conciliation or arbitration arrangements which may be available to the parties.

(3)  A Judge may, where he deems fit, at the initial directions hearing, hear any application for relief of an interlocutory nature, whether in the nature of an injunction or otherwise.

Motions and Applications

7. (1)  A Judge may direct that the parties to a motion or application shall each prepare a written submission, bearing the name of the author, which submission shall be concise and avoid lengthy argument, specifying:

(i) the nature of the case generally and the background facts insofar as they are relevant to the matter before the Court;

(ii)  the submissions of law to be relied upon, citing the supporting authorities;

(iii) the submissions of fact to be made with reference to the evidence.

(2)  The written submissions shall be lodged with the Registrar not less than one clear day prior to the date of the hearing of the motion or application.


8.  A party to proceedings entered in the Competition List may at any time after delivering his statement or points of claim, or defence or points of defence, as the case may be, deliver interrogatories in writing for the examination of any other party to the proceedings, and such interrogatories when delivered shall have a note at the foot thereof, stating which of such interrogatories each of such persons is required to answer: provided that no party shall deliver more than one set of interrogatories to the same party without an order for that purpose; provided also that interrogatories which do not relate to any matters in question in the proceedings shall be deemed irrelevant, notwithstanding that they might be admissible on the oral cross-examination of a witness.

9.  Interrogatories delivered in accordance with rule 8 of this Order shall be in the Form No 1 in Appendix Y to these Rules.

10. Answers to interrogatories shall be made by affidavit to be filed within twenty-one days from receipt thereof, or within such other time as a Judge may allow.

11. An affidavit in answer to interrogatories shall be in the Form No 2 in Appendix Y to these Rules.

12. The provisions of rules 3, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 11 of Order 31 of these Rules shall, with any necessary modifications, apply to any interrogatories delivered or to be delivered in accordance with this rule.

Case management

13. (1)  Where, in accordance with rule 6, a Judge directs that the proceedings be subject to case management, he shall fix a date for a case management conference, and may give any further directions for the completion prior to such conference of such, if any, steps in the proceedings (including the preparation of a case booklet in accordance with sub-rule 9 of this rule) as he considers appropriate.

(2)  The case management conference shall be chaired and regulated by a Judge.

(3)  Where the case management conference is adjourned, it shall be adjourned to a specific date.

(4)  The case management conference shall be attended by the solicitors appearing for each of the parties or, where a party, not being a body corporate, is not represented by a solicitor, by the party himself.  Where the Judge chairing the case management conference considers it necessary or desirable, he may direct that party, or, where the party is a body corporate, the proper officer of a party, to attend the case management conference, notwithstanding the fact that the party may be represented by a solicitor.

(5)  Each solicitor attending the case management conference shall ensure that he is sufficiently familiar with the proceedings, and has authority from the party he represents to deal with any matters that are likely to be dealt with at the conference.

(6)  Where a party is represented by counsel, such counsel may attend the case management conference, but the attendance of only one of such counsel will be allowed in the taxation or fixing of costs.

(7)  The purpose of the case management conference shall be to ensure that the proceedings are prepared for trial in a manner which is just, expeditious and likely to minimise the costs of the proceedings, and in particular that, as soon as may be in advance of the trial:

(a)  the issues, whether as to fact or law, are defined as clearly, as precisely and as concisely, as possible;

(b)  all pleadings, affidavits and statements of issues are served;

(c)  any applications by letter for particulars and replies thereto, any admissions, or requests for admissions, notices to admit documents or facts and replies thereto, and any affidavits made in pursuance of any notices to admit facts or documents, are served or delivered, as the case may be;

(d)  all applications for relief of an interlocutory nature intended to be made by any of the parties are made;

(e)  any directions given or orders made at the initial directions hearing, or in the course of a case management conference have been complied with.

(8)  Where no direction has been given that the proceedings be subject to case management, either party may, at any time before the trial, apply to the Judge in charge of the Competition List by motion on notice to the other party or parties for a direction that a case management conference be held.  The affidavit grounding the motion shall set out clearly and concisely the grounds on which the case management conference is sought.  Where any party objects to such a direction, they shall furnish their objections by replying affidavit.

(9)  The plaintiff, applicant or other party prosecuting the proceedings shall, in consultation with the other party or parties, prepare a case booklet to be lodged with the Registrar and served on the other party or parties not later than four clear days prior to the first date fixed for the case management conference.

(10) The case booklet shall contain:

(a)  a case summary, comprising

(i) an agreed outline of the case and sequence of relevant events not in dispute;

(ii)  a list of those issues which are not in dispute;

(iii) an agreed statement of those issues that are in dispute, and

(b)  pre-trial documentation in chronological sequence, including (where appropriate) copies of pleadings exchanged, affidavits filed (other than affidavits of service), statements of issues, orders made or directions given, and any correspondence between the parties, not being expressed to be “without prejudice”, relating to the preparation of the case for trial.

(11) The case booklet shall be produced and maintained by the party responsible for preparing the same in such form, including electronic form, as the Judge in charge of the Competition List may direct and, where the Judge so directs, shall be lodged or served by electronic means, and on such conditions and subject to such exceptions as he may prescribe.

(12) The party responsible for preparing the case booklet shall, in consultation with the other party or parties, revise or add to its contents from time to time as necessary.

14. At the case management conference the Judge may:

(a)  fix a timetable for the completion of preparation of the case for trial, and may for that purpose adopt any proposed timetable agreed by the parties if satisfied that it is reasonable;

(b)  make any orders or give any directions which he may make or direct under rule 6(1) or (2) of this Order;

(c)  if he considers that there is undue delay in, or he is otherwise dissatisfied with, the conduct of the proceedings, and without prejudice to any powers conferred on the Judge by Order 33, rule 11, require the party appearing to be responsible therefor, or the proper officer of or solicitor instructed in the proceedings by that party, to attend before him to explain the delay or other conduct with which he is dissatisfied, and may thereupon make or give such ruling or direction as he may consider appropriate for the purposes of expediting the proceedings or the conduct thereof;

(d)  without prejudice to any powers conferred on the Judge by Order 99, rule 37, sub-rule 13, disallow the costs of any indorsement of claim, pleading statement of issues or other document in the proceedings which contains unnecessary matter, or is of unnecessary length, and award against that party the costs thereby occasioned to any other party;

(e)  without prejudice to any powers conferred on the Judge by Order 33, rule 11 and Order 99, rule 37, sub-rule 31, disallow the costs of any party occasioned by a delay or default by that party in complying with a time limit for doing any act or taking any proceeding, and award against that party the costs thereby occasioned to any other party.

Preparation for trial

15. (1)  Where no direction has been given that the proceedings be subject to case management, once the exchange of pleadings, affidavits or statements of issues has been completed, the Judge may, upon the application of any of the parties, where he considers it appropriate, fix a date for a pre-trial conference.

(2)  Where a direction has been given that the proceedings be subject to case management, the Judge chairing the case management conference may, where he considers it appropriate, fix a date for a pre-trial conference once all orders made or directions given in the course of the case management conference have been complied with.

16. Where a date for a pre-trial conference has been fixed, each party shall, in consultation with their respective counsel, complete and lodge with the Registrar not later than four clear days before the date fixed for the pre-trial conference a pre-trial questionnaire in the Form No 3 in Appendix Y to these Rules.

17. (1)  The pre-trial conference shall be chaired and regulated by a Judge.

(2)  Where the pre-trial conference is adjourned, it shall be adjourned to a specific date.

(3)       (a)  Where a party intends to be represented at the trial by a solicitor then the principal solicitor whom it is intended shall so represent the party shall attend the pre-trial conference.

(b)  Where a party intends to be represented at the trial by solicitor and counsel then the leading counsel whom it is intended shall so represent the party shall attend the pre-trial conference.

18. At the pre-trial conference the Judge chairing the same shall establish what steps remain to be taken to prepare the case for trial, the likely length of the trial and the arrangements, if any, for witnesses and any other arrangements which require to be made for the trial, and may make any orders and give any directions in respect of arrangements for the trial as he considers necessary.

19. When the Judge chairing the pre-trial conference is satisfied that the proceedings are ready to proceed to trial, he shall fix a trial date.

20. (1)  Subject to sub-rule 2 of this rule, unless the Judge chairing the pre-trial conference otherwise directs, the plaintiff, applicant or other party prosecuting the proceedings shall, in consultation with the other party or parties, prepare and lodge with the Registrar, not less than four clear days prior to the date fixed for the trial:

(a)  a trial booklet, indexed and in chronological sequence, and containing copies of any pleadings, affidavits, statements of issues, documents or extracts therefrom in respect of which agreement has been reached between the parties under sub-rule 2 of this rule, statements provided for in rule 22 of this Order, correspondence and any other documents intended to be relied upon at the trial, and

(b)  a case summary, comprising:

(i) an agreed outline of the case and sequence of relevant events not in dispute,

(ii)  a list of those issues which are not in dispute,

(iii) a list of the persons principally involved in the matters or events the subject of the proceedings and,

(iv) where appropriate, a glossary of technical terms which are likely to be used in the course of the trial.

(2)        (a)  The Judge chairing the pre-trial conference may request the parties to consult with each other with a view to agreeing, where possible, upon a list of the documents and, as appropriate, any extracts from documents intended to be relied upon at the trial.

(b)  In the event of any such agreement being reached by the parties, the plaintiff, applicant or other party prosecuting the proceedings shall, in consultation with the other party or parties, prepare and lodge with the Registrar, not less than four clear days prior to the date fixed for the trial, a booklet indexed and in chronological sequence, containing copies of such documents or extracts and, where appropriate, indicating, by means of tags, colour highlighting or otherwise as the Judge in charge of the Competition List or the Registrar may direct, any relevant extracts therefrom intended to be relied upon at the trial.

(c)  In the event that the parties are unable to reach any such agreement they shall notify the Registrar and, unless the Judge chairing the pre-trial conference shall otherwise order, the plaintiff, applicant or other party prosecuting the proceedings shall proceed in accordance with sub-rule 1 of this rule as if no request had been made by the Judge under paragraph (a) of this sub-rule.

(3)  The trial booklet shall be produced by the party responsible for preparing the same in such form, including electronic form, as the Judge in charge of the Competition List may direct and, where the Judge in charge of the Competition List so directs, shall be lodged or served by electronic means, and on such conditions and subject to such exceptions as he may prescribe.

21. (1)  Subject to sub-rule 3, where in any case the Judge communicates with the Commission either by reason of Article 11(1) or Article 11(4) of the Regulation or for any other purpose, and the Judge considers it appropriate in the interests of justice, a copy of the communication, and of any communication received from the Commission in reply, shall be transmitted by the Registrar to each of the parties as soon as possible after the same is sent or received (as the case may be) by the Judge.

(2)  Subject to sub-rule 3, where the Judge consults the Commission under Article 11(5) of the Regulation for the purpose of obtaining its opinion in any case involving the application of Community law, or where the Judge requests the Commission to transmit information or an opinion to the Court under Article 15(1) of the Regulation, a copy of any communication constituting or forming part of such request and of any reply received from the Commission in response to such request shall be transmitted by the Registrar to each of the parties as soon as possible after the same is sent or received (as the case may be) by the Judge.

(3)  The Judge may, where he considers it necessary to prevent the disclosure of information, disclosure of which is prohibited by Article 287 of the Treaty, direct that information, or part of any information, contained in any communication between the Court and the Commission shall not be transmitted to the parties.

III. Observations 

22. (1)  Subject to Article 15(3) of the Regulation, where the Authority is not a party to competition proceedings, the Judge may, either on the application of a party, of the Authority or of his own motion, allow the Authority to submit written or oral observations on such matters or issues as the judge shall think fit.  Such application shall, if made by a party, be made on notice to the Authority and to the other parties, and if made by the Authority, be made on notice to the parties.  The Authority shall, when submitting written observations under this sub-rule, serve at the same time copies thereof on each of the parties, and shall submit any oral observations under this sub-rule in the presence of the parties.

(2)  Where the Authority or the Commission submits written observations to the Court in competition proceedings in accordance with Article 15(3) of the Regulation, the Registrar shall furnish a copy of such observations to each of the parties to the proceedings.

(3)  Where the Authority or the Commission wishes to submit oral observations to a Judge in competition proceedings in accordance with Article 15(3) of the Regulation, an application for leave to make such observations shall be made by the Authority or the Commission, as the case may be, by motion on notice to the parties.

(4)  Where the Authority or the Commission submits observations to the Court, each of the parties may file an affidavit in reply to such observations, or a reply in such other form as the Judge may direct, within such period as the Judge may allow, and shall within that period serve a copy of any such affidavit or other form of reply on the other party or parties and on the Authority or the Commission (as the case may be).

IV. Assessors 

23. (1)  The Court may, on the application of a party or of its own motion and having heard the parties, appoint a person to assist the court in understanding or clarifying a matter, or evidence in relation to a matter, in respect of which that person (in this rule hereinafter called an “expert”) has skill and experience.

(2)  The Court may appoint an expert on the nomination of the parties or that of the court, and on such terms as to the payment of his fees and otherwise as the Court may direct.

(3)  The expert shall attend so much of the hearing and be available thereafter to assist the Court as aforesaid, as the Court shall direct.

(4)  Where the expert provides advice or other information to the Court, the Court shall, where it considers it appropriate in the interests of justice, inform the parties of such advice or information and afford each of them an opportunity to make submissions in respect of it.

V. Appeals 

24. (1)  An appeal to the Court against the making of a declaration by the Authority under section 4(3) of the Act shall be brought by originating notice of motion.

(2)  The notice of motion shall be issued within 28 days after publication by the Authority of the notice of the making of a declaration under section 4(3) of the Act or within such extended period as a Judge may, on an application made on notice to the Authority, allow.

(3)  The notice of motion shall, in addition to complying with the requirements of rule 3(2) of this Order, be entitled in the matter of an appeal against the making of a declaration by the Authority under section 4(3) of the Act, on the application of the person bringing the appeal, and shall state the relief sought, the name and place of residence or address for service of the person seeking relief and the date upon which it is proposed to apply to the Court for relief.

(4)  Notice of the motion shall be given to the Authority, provided that if it shall appear to the Judge at any stage that any other person to whom notice has not been given ought to have had such notice, the Judge may adjourn the hearing thereof in order that such notice may be given, upon such terms (if any) as the Judge may think fit to impose.

(5)  Unless the Judge gives special leave to the contrary, there must be at least 10 clear days between the service of the notice and the day named therein for the hearing of the motion.

25. (1)  An appeal which may be made to the Court against a determination of the Authority under paragraph (b) or (c) of section 22(3) of the Act shall be brought by originating notice of motion.

(2)  The notice of motion shall be issued within 1 month after:

(a)  the date on which the appellant undertaking is informed by the Authority of the determination concerned, or

(b)  in case the determination is one in relation to a media merger, the expiry of 30 days from the date on which that determination is made (where, within that period, the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment has not made an order under subsection (4) of section 23 of the Act in relation to the merger or has stated in writing that he does not propose making such an order in relation to the merger).

(3)  The notice of motion shall, in addition to complying with the requirements of rule 3(2) of this Order, be entitled in the matter of an appeal against a determination of the Authority under paragraph (b) or (c) of section 22(3) of the Act (as the case may be), on the application of the person bringing the appeal, and shall state the relief sought, the name and place of residence or address for service of the person seeking relief and the date upon which it is proposed to apply to the Court for relief.

(4)  Notice of the motion shall be given to the Authority, provided that if it shall appear to the Judge at any stage that any other person to whom notice has not been given ought to have had such notice, the Judge may adjourn the hearing thereof in order that such notice may be given, upon such terms (if any)as the Judge may think fit to impose.

(5)  Unless the Judge gives special leave to the contrary, there must be at least 10 clear days between the service of the notice and the day named therein for the hearing of the motion.

26. (1)  Subject to sub-rule 2, evidence at the hearing of a motion under rules 24 or 25 shall be by affidavit, unless the Judge directs that evidence may be given orally.

(2)  Where an appeal is brought against a determination of the Authority under paragraph (b) or (c)of section 22(3) of the Act in respect of an issue of fact, evidence may be given in accordance with sub-rule 1 only where a Judge considers that it was unreasonable for the Authority to have accepted or found as a fact any matter concerned.

(3)  Any affidavit to be used in support of the motion shall be filed in the Central Office and a copy of any such affidavit shall be served with the notice.  Any affidavit used in opposition to the appeal shall be filed in the Central Office by the respondent or notice party within 7 days of the service of the applicant’s affidavit and the respondent or notice party, as the case may be, must within such period serve a copy of any such affidavit intended to be used by it on the applicant.

VI. Evidence

Oral evidence

27. (1)  Unless a Judge shall otherwise order, a party intending to rely upon the oral evidence of a witness as to fact or of an expert at trial shall, not later than one month prior to the date of such trial in the case of the plaintiff, applicant or other party prosecuting the proceedings and not later than seven days prior to the date of such trial in the case of the defendant, respondent or other party defending the proceedings, serve upon the other party or parties a written statement outlining the essential elements of that evidence signed and dated by the witness or expert, as the case may be.

(2)  A Judge may, in exceptional circumstances to be recited in the order and after hearing all of the parties, make an order directing that the written statement referred to in sub-rule 1 of this rule or any part thereof shall be treated as the evidence in chief of the witness or expert concerned but only after it has been verified on oath by such witness or expert.

Evidence by video link or other means

28. (1)  A Judge may allow a witness to give evidence, whether from within or outside the State, through a live video link or by other means.

(2)  Evidence given in accordance with sub-rule 1 of this rule shall be recorded by video or otherwise as the Judge may direct.

VII. Trial venue 

29. All proceedings in the Competition List, and all trials of such proceedings shall, unless a Judge shall in any particular proceedings and for special reason otherwise order, take place in an appropriate courtroom designated by the President of the High Court in consultation with the Judge in charge of the Competition List and situate in Dublin.

VIII. The Registrar 

30. The Registrar may refer to a Judge proceedings listed in the Competition List in respect of which he considers there has been undue delay.


31. (1)  The Registrar shall establish and maintain the following records:

(a)  a register of proceedings entered in the Competition List;

(b)  a register of orders made or directions given by Judges in proceedings in the Competition List,

(c)  a calendar of sittings of Judges;

(d)  a record of progress in each of the proceedings entered in the Competition List.

(2)  Such records may be held electronically and may be held separately or in an amalgamated form.

32. The Registrar shall establish and maintain a file for each of the proceedings in the Competition List, which file may, in whole or in part, be in electronic form, and each such proceedings shall be assigned a code or number in sequence for the purposes of identification.

33. Where the Court gives a written judgment containing a decision on the application of Article 81 or Article 82 of the Treaty, the Registrar shall send a copy of such judgment to the Commission by pre-paid ordinary post without delay after the parties are given notice of the full written judgment.

IX. Costs 

34. The costs of the initial directions hearing shall, unless the Judge before whom that hearing takes place otherwise orders, be deemed to be costs in the cause.

35. The Judge in charge of the Competition List may prescribe requirements as to the form and content of bills of costs to be prepared in respect of proceedings entered in the Competition List.  Where he has not done so, such bills of costs shall be prepared in the manner prescribed by Order 99, rule 29.

36. Upon the determination of any interlocutory application by a Judge, the Judge shall make an award of costs save where it is not possible justly to adjudicate upon liability for costs on the basis of the interlocutory application.

X. Electronic service, exchange and lodgment of documents 

37. (1)  Documents required under these Rules to be served or exchanged in proceedings in the Competition List may, where the President of the High Court by practice direction permits, and on such terms and conditions and subject to such exceptions as the President of the High Court may by such practice direction specify, be served or exchanged, as the case may be, electronically.

(2)  Documents required under these Rules to be filed in proceedings in the Competition List may, where the President of the High Court by practice direction permits, and on such terms and conditions and subject to such exceptions as the President of the High Court may by such practice direction specify, be filed electronically with the Registrar and stored by the Registrar in like manner.

(3)  Without prejudice to the generality of sub-rules 1 or 2 of this rule, a practice direction given by the President of the High Court in pursuance of either of those sub-rules may prescribe requirements as to:

(a)  the hardware and other equipment, diskettes or CD-ROMs and communications protocol or protocols to be employed by parties filing, serving or exchanging documents electronically;

(b)  the use of passwords, electronic signatures, digital signatures or other means of authenticating documents filed, served or exchanged electronically;

(c)  the use of firewalls, anti-virus tools or other devices or applications for the purpose of avoiding damage to the information system of the Courts Service or of any party or their solicitor or counsel;

(d)  compliance with practices or protocols for the purpose of ensuring that harmful, deleterious or offensive material does not enter the information system of the Courts Service or of any party or their solicitor or counsel;

(e)  the formatting, organising, identifying, coding and indexing of documents to be filed, served or exchanged electronically;

(f) the manner in which documents filed, served or exchanged electronically, or copies of such documents, may be presented or otherwise used in Court.


[1]   Order 63B inserted by SI 130 of 2005, effective 8 March 2005.

[2]   Order 63B rule 1 amended by SI 461 of 2006, effective 26 September 2006.  This substituted the definition of “competition proceedings”.