The Supreme Court

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Retirement of Ms Justice Mary Irvine

Today, 13 July 2022, Ms Justice Mary Irvine retired as President of the High Court and as an ex officio judge of the Supreme Court. Prior to her appointment to the position of President, Ms Justice Irvine had served in all three of the Superior Courts: High Court (2007-2014), Court of Appeal (2014-2019) and Supreme Court (2019-2020). She was appointed President of the High Court in June 2020.

Paying tribute to Ms Justice Irvine's time on the bench, the Attorney General, Mr Paul Gallagher SC, commented that:

"...few important areas have been untouched by [Ms. Justice Irvine’s] insights and skills. And this contribution has been made with unfailing courtesy to, and understanding of, litigants and practitioners and with an unfailing commitment to do justice.

[Ms. Justice Irvine’s] work as President...during the most challenging time in our history post the civil war for the judiciary during Covid kept the courts going. [Ms. Justice Irvine] did so with immense personal drive, personal commitment, a work ethic that is unsurpassed and a determination to see that justice would be made available for as many people as required access to that justice."

Speaking on behalf of the Law Society, Michelle Ní Longáin remarked that Ms Justice Irvine had been:

"...a tireless advocate for access to justice and [had] shared strong views on the need for increased judicial resources. 

[...] these reflect [Ms Justice Irvine's] genuine desire in the public interest to advance and support the rule of law ... and that has been to ensure that all of those who need it can have their case heard by a judge in a timely manner."