The Supreme Court


ACA-Europe Seminar in Versailles

Pictured above: Ms Justice Dunne with the other seminar participants. Photo provided courtesy of JB Eyguesier/French Council of State.

On Friday, 29 November, Ms Justice Dunne participated in a seminar organised by the French Council of State in cooperation with ACA-Europe. The seminar, which took place at the Administrative Court of Appeal of Versailles, comprised a number of roundtable discussions involving over 60 participants from 31 European countries. The roundtables examined the ethics and recruitment of members of the supreme administrative courts in light of responses submitted by participants to a questionnaire sent out in advance of the conference. A summary of the responses is available on the ACA-Europe website here.

The Supreme Court of Ireland is a member of ACA-Europe, an organisation comprising the Councils of State or the supreme administrative jurisdictions of each of the members of the European Union and the Courts of Justice of the European Union. Through ACA-Europe, the Supreme Court exchanges views and information with other member institutions on jurisprudence, organisation, and functioning, particularly with regard to EU law. The presidency of ACA-Europe is currently held by Finland.