The Supreme Court

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Retirement of Mr Justice John MacMenamin

Today, 25 November 2022, Mr Justice John MacMenamin retired as a judge of the Supreme Court, having served as a member of the Court since 2012. He was appointed to the High Court in 2004 and to the Special Criminal Court in 2009.

Paying tribute on behalf of the Supreme Court on Mr Justice MacMenamin's last sitting, Chief Justice O'Donnell acknowledged the enormous contribution he made to the jurisprudence of the Superior Courts during his 18-year tenure has a judge. The Chief Justice also remarked on Mr Justice MacMenamin's extensive engagement with judicial education and outreach.

Chief Justice O'Donnell finished his remarks by paying tribute to Mr Justice MacMenamin's commitment to the litigants at the heart of every case, commenting:

"Perhaps, more than anyone else, he saw individual cases in human terms, with real people, and to whom the outcome, rather than the legal principle, is the critically important thing..."