
The Supreme Court


Visit from delegation of Malawian Judges

Pictured above (L-R): Seán McHale (IRLI), Ms Justice Donnelly, Mr Justice Charleton, Chief Justice O'Donnell, Chief Justice Mzikamanda, The Hon. Justice Kapanda, The Hon. Justice Chanza, His Honour Kamisa, and Kate Loughran (IRLI).

This morning, the Supreme Court was pleased to welcome a delegation of judges from Malawi to the Four Courts. The delegation of visiting judges included The Honourable Chief Justice, Rizine Robert Mzikamanda; The Honourable Justice Frank Edgar Kapanda (Justice of Appeal, Supreme Court); The Honourable Justice Etness Chanza (Judge of the High Court); and His Honour Patrick Kamisa (Special Assistant to the Chief Justice). The delegation was also accompanied by Seán McHale and Kate Loughran of Irish Rule of Law International.

The visit formed part of Irish Rule of Law International’s ‘Access to Justice in Malawi’ programme which seeks to improve access to justice for adults and children in Malawi, strengthening institutional capacity, coordination and accountability through the criminal justice system using a human rights based approach.

This morning’s meeting was attended by Chief Justice O’Donnell, Mr Justice Barniville (President of the High Court), Mr Justice Charleton and Ms Justice Donnelly, and members of the two judiciaries discussed topics of mutual interest. The Malawian delegation’s ten-day visit to Ireland includes meetings with members of the judiciaries in Ireland and Northern Ireland, opportunities to observe of court proceedings, participation in the National Judicial Conference and opportunities to learn about courts administration and judicial training.