The Supreme Court

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Visit from the Chief Justice of Zambia

Today, 20 November, the Supreme Court welcomed the Chief Justice of Zambia, the Hon. Dr Mumba Malila, and a delegation of Zambian judges and lawyers to the Four Courts to meet with Mr Justice Donal O’Donnell, Chief Justice of Ireland, and members of the Supreme Court. 

The meeting was arranged as part of the Irish Rule of Law International (IRLI) Zambia Programme which is funded by the Embassy of Ireland in Lusaka. One part of the programme focuses on supporting Zambian institutions in the area of economic and financial crimes. Highlights of IRLI's work on the programme so far have included the coordination of a two-day conference in March 2023 at which Irish experts, including Mr Justice Alex Owens, Judge of the High Court, and Mr Justice Peter Kelly, former President of the High Court, delivered presentations, and the provision of assistance in the development of Rules of Court for the new Economic and Financial Crimes Court. While falling under the economic and financial crimes arm of the programme, discussions during the meeting with members of the Supreme Court covered a number of additional topics of interest to the Chief Justice and Zambian delegation, such as the area of judicial training and court IT systems.