Help is available
There are support services that can provide help, support and advice, if you have fallen behind on your mortgage repayments. They provide assistance under the Government funded Abhaile scheme.
Under the Abhaile scheme you can get free access to debt, financial, legal, or insolvency advice. If you are in mortgage arrears the Abhaile scheme will help you find the best solution depending on your circumstances, and keep you in your own home if possible.
A dedicated mortgage arrears adviser will work with you and your mortgage lender to find the best solution for your situation. It is important to know that your mortgage lender's last option should be repossessing your home. More information on the supports available are outlined below.
The Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS)

MABS is a free, independent, confidential and non-judgmental money advice and budgeting service. You can talk to MABS at any stage in the repossession process. However, the earlier you talk to MABS, the better they will be able to assist you.
You can visit or call the Helpline: 0818 07 2000 for more information.
If you contact MABS they can:
- Help with conversations with your mortgage lender.
- Provide vouchers for you to see a Personal Insolvency Practitioner (known as a PIP, who will advise you and negotiate with your creditors on your behalf).
- Provide vouchers for you to see legal or financial advisors free of charge via the state-funded scheme, called Abhaile.
- Support you by answering any questions you might have before or after your court hearing.
If your case goes to court:
There is a MABS representative at the court on the day of your hearing if your case is being heard by a County Registrar.
- They will act as a court mentor which means they can provide information and support about the repossession and court process. However, they cannot give you legal advice or speak for you in court.
- They will wear identification badges and you can approach them at any time. If you have questions before and after your court hearings, they will help you.
- Information leaflets with details of the support MABS can provide are also available at the court.
MABS cannot provide an opinion on your legal defence or speculate on how the County Registrar or Circuit Court Judge will handle your case.
Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI)

The ISI can help you tackle personal debt problems and repossession issues. You can talk to the ISI at any stage in the repossession process. However, the earlier you engage with the ISI, the better they will be able to assist you.
You can visit or call 01 764 4200 for more information.
If you contact ISI they can:
Put you in touch with a PIP (Personal Insolvency Practitioner) who can analyse your debt and put forward a personal insolvency arrangement. If you are in home mortgage arrears you could be eligible for a free PIP consultation under the Abhaile scheme. You can be referred by MABS into this scheme.
A PIP can;
- Advise you of all solutions available to help you get you back on track financially.
- Speak on your behalf with your mortgage lender.
- Speak in some courts to the County Registrar and the Circuit Court Judge.
Legal Aid Board

The Legal Aid Board may be able to help you by providing legal aid and advice. There are law centres throughout the Country where you can get support.
You can visit or Lo-Call: 0818 615 200 for more information.
If you contact the Legal Aid Board they can:
- Provide a solicitor consultation service to you under the Abhaile scheme.
If your case goes to court:
- The Legal Aid Board can assist with a duty solicitor service. A duty solicitor will be able to provide information and support for you in court, they may also be able to speak on your behalf.