Assisted Decision-Making Capacity

Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015

The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act, also called ADMC is about supporting decision-making and making the most of a person’s ability to make decisions. This Act was signed into law on the 30 December 2015, and commenced on 26 April 2023.


At different points in your life, you may need to make important decisions. These can be about your own, or a loved one's, personal finances, job, home, property, healthcare plans, or future social supports.

You may find yourself in a situation where your own capacity 🛈 (ability) to make such decisions is affected. Or, it may be that a loved one needs help with decisions that need to be made now, or in the near future. This type of help may be necessary due to an intellectual disability, psychiatric illness, acquired brain injury, or age-related condition such as dementia.

As a result, a person may need someone, like a relative, friend, or neighbour, to support them with decision-making or to make important decisions on their behalf.

Below you can find links to more information on ADMC-related topics and the different types of decision supports available to you. From here, you can find details on how to make a capacity application in the Circuit Court, and how to respond to an application if you receive one.

You can also find links to information about legal advice and mediation, and other support services that may help you.

All information provided is for guidance only.